Contact Us
Contact Us
Avatange Group
Unit 810, Stag Building, 148-150 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong
Email: info@avantagegroupltd.com
Corporate Governance
The Board of Directors of Avantage Group Limited is committed to uphold good corporate governance within the Company and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) and observes high standards of transparency, accountability and integrity in managing the Group’s business in order to create value for its stakeholders and safeguard the Group’s assets.
Avantage Group Limited and together with its subsidiaries (the “Group”) aims to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided, but do not guarantee its accuracy and reliability and accept no liability (whether in tort or in contract or otherwise) for any loss or damage arising from any inaccuracies or omissions. Under no circumstances shall the Group be liable for any loss or damages resulting from the use of the information provided on this website.
No material contained on this website may be modified, copied, transmitted, distributed and/or reproduced without the Group prior written consent. We reserved the right to take legal action against any party for any loss or damages resulting from modifying, copying, transmitting, distributing and/or reproducing any material contained on this website.